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Book Published: Hatta (ed.), Economic Challenges Facing Japan’s Regional Areas, Palgrave Pivot, 2018
- 25 February 2018
Our book was published by Palgrave Pivot!
This publication brings together 19 English articles from SPACE NIRA.
Hatta, Tatsuo (ed.) (2018) Economic Challenges Facing Japan’s Regional Areas, Palgrave Pivot.
The book is available here:
SPACE NIRA Vol.1 List of Articles
- 10 December 2016
Unit 01:Local Government Financing of Health Insurance and the Revitalization of Japan’s Regional Areas
Unit 02:Agricultural Policy
Unit 03:Regional Revitalization and Japan’s Low Birth Rate
Unit 04:Issues facing Japan’s Tourism Policy
Unit 05:Good ...
Unit 01-C: Provision of National Health Insurance “Model Benefits” to Japan’s Prefectures
- Tatsuo Hatta,
- 01_Regional revitalization and…,
- 31 January 2018
Tatsuo Hatta
Asian Growth Research Institute
The national and local governments1) in Japan share the burden of fiscal expenditure to fund social insurance for the elderly. However, the system currently in effect has led to ineff...
Unit 06 Kick-off Paper: Japan’s Fishing Industry and Regional Revitalization
- Masayuki Komatsu,
- 06_fishery policy,
- 08 March 2017
Masayuki Komatsu
Senior Fellow
The Tokyo Foundation
In the 70 years since the end of the Second World War, the Japanese fisheries have been allowed to operate in “Olympic-style” fishing1), in which victory goes to the operator who ca...
Unit06-A: Introduction of an Individual Quota (IQ) System in Japan’s Fishing Industry: An Economic Analysis
- Kojun Hamada,
- 06_fishery policy,
- 08 March 2017
Kojun Hamada
Associate Professor
Faculty of Economics, Niigata University
The decline of Japan’s fishing industry has long been a focus of attention. According to Fisheries Agency data, Japan’s catch has been steadily declining sin...
Unit 06-B: Challenges for the Revitalization of Japan’s Fishing Industry: A Legal Perspective ―The cases of Rishiri and Rebun Islands
- Mari Koyano,
- 06_fishery policy,
- 08 March 2017
Mari Koyano
Graduate School of Law, the Advanced Institute for Law and Politics Globalisation, Hokkaido University
Hokkaido is the cornerstone of Japan’s fishing industry. In 2014, production in Hokkaido’s marine fishing an...
From the Editor

SPACE NIRA will provide a forum for experts to offer their perspectives on the key points of the most up-to-the-minute policy issues under discussion in Japan at present. Each issue of SPACE NIRA will feature short papers by two or three experts on a single topic, in addition to a short introductory paper which will take a broader overview of the policy topic under consideration.
SPACE NIRA will be published in both Japanese and English. In part because non-Japanese can find it difficult to understand some Japanese policy issues because of the peculiarities of the systems involved. For them brief explanations of the background to these issues in English will be useful. Also, other countries are often facing the same problems as Japan, and offering an overview of the situation in Japan will potentially be of assistance in their policy formation processes. SPACE NIRA will then be able to play an important role in introducing experts on those policy issues in Japanese to an overseas audience. This new venture will also provide an opportunity for us to learn about measures which have been implemented in order to resolve specific issues overseas.
We hope that SPACE NIRA will become a dynamic space in which thinkers from Japan and throughout the world will come together in order to consider the most pressing policy issues facing us.
NIRA Research
Opinion Paper
- Opinion Papers present timely short essays in which leading researchers approach the most important issues facing Japan with the unfettered thinking demanded by a time of profound change.
My Vision
- This publication presents interviews with five experts concerning a specific topic, enabling us to provide a concise overview of a diverse range of opinions concerning problems directly facing Japan.
Research Reports
- Selecting the most important themes for study, NIRA convenes research teams made up of members representing a variety of specialized fields to engage in interdisciplinary analyses. Research Reports present the outcomes of this research process.
Monograph Series
- The product of advanced research and analysis in relation to the problems facing Japan, NIRA's Monograph Series presents data that will be of value to future discussions.